Making Wise Food Choices

Shopping wisely can mean better eating.

One of the kindest things a person can do for the body is to eat well. Not only will smart eating lead to better health, but it will also help prevent problems caused by poor food choices. The secret to making good food choices starts with a shopping list which is comprised of healthy foods and snacks.


The key to eating well is only to buy foods which will promote good health for the body. The easiest way to do that is to avoid foods which are oil based, have unrecognizable ingredients, or have ingredients that sound like they should be in a mad scientist's lab. When we buy healthy food, we can eat well, without guilt, feel great, and our bodies will thank us.

Change comes slowly

How much, what kind of food

One of the things which hamper healthy eating habits are the types and quantity of food offered as an ‘average’ restaurant meal; most are enormous and salt, sugar, fat, and calorie-laden. Also, studies show that childhood obesity rises alarmingly in a developing country after they make a global trade agreement, usually with the U.S. Sugary (corn syrup) drinks are the main culprit. These industries are literally ‘growing their customer base.’

Another method to get consumers to buy less healthy options is placement in the grocery aisles. In response, the shopper can recognize their right as a consumer to make their own choices.

Plan meals

Snacks we love!

Before going to the grocery store, meal planning and sticking to the shopping list will make the trip easier and faster. Knowing the grocer is going to put the least healthy options at eye level, on end caps and checkout stands offers some leverage simply by knowing it is emotionally manipulative. Grocers have spent a tremendous amount of money on research into consumer buying habits, which is why the fresh fruit and vegetables are at the entrance, and the candy is at the checkout. (Imagine if a grocer switched these around!) But just because they’re being dangled in front of the shopper’s face doesn’t mean they have to end up in the cart, especially if it isn’t on the list. In fact, some shoppers keep a file in the  ‘notes’ section of their cell phone and add to it during the week when they run out of an item so they won’t be at the mercy of marketing or their own hunger. 

Better choices

Second, most of a person’s food intake is fruit and vegetables. Meat and carbohydrates should be limited, most protein should come from a non-meat source, and most carbs should come from veggies. Bread and pasta should be a rare event and whole grain.

Each person has different habits and needs, and their bodies respond differently to certain types foods. It may help a person who is trying to eat better to keep a food journal. This can help them learn what kind of foods to choose and which they need to avoid. 

Last, a little wiggle room is probably a good thing. That is to say; it isn’t always wise to pass on a treat. After all, we want our lives to be full of joy! So when Grandma offers one of her home-baked cookies, it’s okay to say yes. ;)


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