Do Chiropractic Adjustments Release Toxins?

After a visit to the chiropractor for a holistic chiropractic alignment, one may experience flu-like symptoms. It is not due to the clinic being unhygienic or a sign of a viral infection; the discomfort is caused by a phenomenon called toxic release or toxic relief.

Toxic release is a relatively common side effect of chiropractic adjustments and can elicit distress when experienced for the first time. However, it is a perfectly natural, expected outcome of a proper chiropractic adjustment.

What is toxic release?

When the body is misaligned, toxins will gather in bubbles around the joints and spine. A chiropractic adjustment will realign the spine and joint, causing these bubbles to burst and correct the body's position. The toxins in the bubbles are released back into the bloodstream, triggering an immune response. It causes flu-like symptoms until the toxins are released and eliminated from the body.

Toxic relief symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea

  • Fever

  • Dizziness

  • Night sweats

  • Tightness in the muscles

  • Gastrointestinal distress

The nervous system is usually most heavily affected, as spinal subluxations or misalignments have the most severe effect on the nerves running along the spine. Clearing the blockage in the nervous system can cause an overwhelming flow of mental and physical energy to run through the body, which naturally requires an adjustment period.

How often does toxic release occur?

Toxic release has been noted in about 15-20% of patients that have received a chiropractic adjustment. Patients that have received an adjustment for the first time are more likely to experience the side effects of toxic release. These effects are mainly due to a large amount of toxins being expelled from the system after being trapped for an extended period. Those who experience toxic release should not feel discouraged or stressed. The symptoms are usually temporary and a sign that the body is entering a healing state required for the chiropractic adjustment to have the greatest possible positive effect. As clients continue to receive further treatment, the symptoms will subside.

What should I do if I experience toxic release?

If it is your first time experiencing these symptoms, don't stop with chiropractic adjustments. The body has a built-in detoxification system, and the toxins released into the bloodstream will naturally be eliminated after a while. The immune system response shouldn't cause significant discomfort, but consider contacting a general practitioner to suggest immune system boosting methods if the symptoms persist.

In the end, the benefits of chiropractic adjustments will far outweigh the momentary discomfort due to toxic release. With time, chiropractic treatments will help eliminate the underlying causes of stress and fatigue in the body, realigning the nerves and joints to alleviate pain, discomfort, anxiety, and fatigue.


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