Our Blog
Pain: an Overview
As chiropractic and physiotherapy experts the one thing we can tell you of which we are confident is that experts have very little understanding of how pain actually works in the human body. Studies are ongoing to try to understand this horrific and debilitating sensation which may or may not be associated with injury. The best we can do for now is to take the knowledge that we already have about pain and apply it to the care of our patients.
Changing Strategies for Managing Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is defined as pain which lasts more than three months. Chronic pain is generally caused by three sources: injury (such as an accident), an illness (such as cancer) or a nerve condition (such as neuropathy or fibromyalgia). Regardless of the cause, a lot of us are in pain: it is estimated that almost a third of the population suffers from chronic pain, over 100 million people.