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Diet Tips To Introduce Today For A Healthy Spine Part 2

When staying healthy, we all know that diet plays a crucial role in your overall immunity. Last month we talked about key vitamins and minerals for ultimate back health in Diet Tips To Introduce Today For A Healthy Spine Part 1. This month we’d like to talk about additional nutrients that help keep your back happy and healthy when introduced into your daily nutrition for several months and as a part of a well-balanced diet.

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chiropractic care Guest User chiropractic care Guest User

Your Child's Backpack Could be a Spine Hazard

School is starting, and with it, millions of children will be trudging out the door every morning, with a backpack full of books. But, carrying anything too heavy on the back is dangerous. The reality is that over 15,000 kids will be injured this year by wearing backpacks. Spine and shoulder injuries and poor posture are the results of an improperly heavy or poorly fitting backpack.

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