Are Your Habits Causing Your Back Pain?

Back pain, both major and minor, will affect eight in ten Americans during their lifetime. There’s a good chance that you will eventually suffer some form of it, but what are the underlying reasons behind it anyway? Are your habits causing your back pain? If so, can anything be done to avoid it?

Bad habits that you should avoid

Most types of back pain derive from bad habits. Constant strain to particular portions of the back can certainly cause problems. Not moving enough is another source of trouble as it prevents muscles from adapting to sudden shifts in weight. If you don’t want to experience back pain, here are some of the habits you should avoid.

Lack of exercise

This is usually the top reason for people experiencing back pain. Muscles that don’t get the chance to stretch themselves won’t like any sudden movements. Even half an hour of exercise a day will do wonders to prevent back pain.

Being overweight

Mostly related to the first bad habit, this is another reason why people suffer from back pain. The body might be able to handle a little excess weight, but there’s a point in which the strain will eventually be too much for your back muscles. Try to be within ten pounds of your ideal weight, and back pain will be less of an issue.

Poor posture

There’s more to the phrase ‘don’t slouch’ than you might think. Poor posture not only looks unseemly, but it also causes a lot of strain on your spine and lower back area. If left alone for long enough, it might change the physical characteristics of your spinal cord.

Incorrect lifting

The phrase ‘lift with your legs’ is always good advice. Throwing out your back because of improper lifting is not just a cliché. It happens to a lot of people and can be very painful. Bend your knees properly, and allow your legs to support the weight.


Smoking doesn’t only damage your lungs; it can also affect your bones. Nicotine lessens the absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis. It also limits the flow of blood to your vertebrae, leading to increased degradation.

Lack of nutrients

Unless you’re getting the daily recommended dosage of calcium and vitamin D, expect weaker bones. Consider taking supplements if you feel you’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet.

Warding off potential back pain

Back pain can come from different sources, many of which can be traced to bad habits that can easily be avoided. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle won’t only help you keep a positive outlook; it’s a surefire way of warding off any potential back pain. Physiotherapy, chiropractic adjustment, and gentle massage can also help relieve back pain.


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