Four Reasons You May Be Visiting Your Chiropractor This Holiday Season

Did 2019 fly, or what? The last thing we remember, we were celebrating an egg getting more likes than Kylie Jenner. Well, we’re happy to announce, you officially made it to the back half of December, and though 2019 packed some punches, we’re all still standing strong. Let’s take a moment to cover some reasons why the last few weeks of December and the upcoming New Year may have you heading our way this holiday season. 

1. Long Travel Days

It’s a busy time of year for travel, with Thanksgiving being the biggest travel week of the year and Christmas being a close second. Whether you just got re-settled after your Thanksgiving turkey flight home or are gearing up for a holiday road trip - travel brings long car rides, cramped seats, and - achoo! - excuse me - cold and flu! If you keep feeling that twinging pain in your neck, or let’s face it - just want to improve your posture for that perfect New Year’s kiss, scheduling a quick consultation with a trusted chiropractor can work wonders for your holiday spirit and keeping you upright past midnight! 

2. Last-Minute Shopping

Finding the perfect gift for your loved ones brings joy and holiday cheer, but long lines, cold weather, and carrying heavy bags can do a number on your back, knees, and feet. If you’re like all those super shoppers out there, you’re also scheduling time to recoup your body after that Black Friday sale and the last-minute spree for those oh-so-fitting stocking stuffers. Don’t let holiday shopping get you down, take the time for yourself with a massage or adjustment and get yourself aligned, grounded, and feeling fabulous just like you deserve this holiday season. Pro-tip: Wear comfortable shoes during shopping that support your soles, so you’re not putting a literal meaning to shop-til-you-drop.

3. Digestive Issues

Holidays are filled with joy, laughter, cookies, pie, that one extra slice of ham, egg nog, stuffing, champagne, cider, and don’t forget grandma’s famous quiche recipe! It’s easy to splurge during the holidays when you have so much deliciousness at your fingertips, and uh-oh all of a sudden, you’re not feeling so regular! Fatty foods can take a toll on your tummy and digestive tract, which means fitting into that stunning New Year’s outfit might not be in the cards so effortlessly. Staying on a regular fitness program is essential to combat higher calorie intake during those colder winter months. Ensuring your form and posture are top-notch will also help those quick holiday workouts between holiday get-togethers be much more effective. Check out some awesome at-home workout solutions here.

4. Feelin’ Yourself

We all know the headache and stress holidays can bring, but whatever happened to just wanting to feel your best? 2019 brought a lot of memories, and in 2020 we’re focusing on making even more amazing memories, keeping our relationships healthy, and our bodies happy. Would it be New Year’s if we didn’t resolve to better ourselves and those around us? It’s not too late to refer a friend or snag our holiday adjustment special and make sure you and your friends are feeling fine and having a fantastic 2020 time. We’ll leave the rhyming to the professionals, but your best health year is yet to come!

From the Renew Chiropractic Family to you and yours, we thank you for being the best patients we had the chance or hope to get the opportunity to work with. We wish the holidays - plus a few last-minute adjustments - have you grinning from ear to ear this New Year! 

See you in 2020!


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