Why Massage Is Super Effective for Whiplash

Whiplash, also known as Cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD) syndrome, occurs when a person's head is yanked backward and then forward as the result of a sudden impact, usually when their vehicle is rear-ended. This type of motion results in trauma to the spine, and if the spine has experienced trauma, you'll be looking for effective techniques to ease that pain and get you back to full range of motion. 

Massage has been proven to be an incredibly useful technique to ease the pain and stiffness caused by whiplash. Here are a few reasons why:

Increases Mobility

 A skilled massage professional that has education or certification in whiplash massage will know the right techniques to use when working with whiplash patients. 

Massage eases sore muscles and tissue. Correctly performed, it will increase mobility. Having a stiff neck and having to turn your whole body to look left or right isn't optimal, so a good whiplash massage therapist should be able to help work out the kinks and alleviate some mobility issues. Usually, it takes several weeks to get back to normal, but depending on the accident, it can take much longer. Consulting with your chiropractor or massage therapist is always best to ensure long-lasting results. 

Reduces Muscle Tension

Whiplash massage causes friction, which warms up your body and increases blood flow. Blood flow is especially helpful to bring more elasticity to your muscles and increase overall flexibility and regain range of motion. Which means there is relief in store for that sore neck!

Pro tip: Drink lots of water before and after whiplash massage. Similar to a workout, your muscles are being worked, and it's essential to hydrate to limit feeling overly sore, tired, or overworked from the massage. 

Breaks Up Scar Tissue

Once you're in that massage chair or on that table, you should start to feel any existing scar tissue break up. This is helpful when you have had an injury because scar tissue makes it harder for your body to heal, and the range of motion is lost. 

Aids Recovery

Whiplash massage is not the only technique or solution for whiplash, yet it helps speed up the process of recovery when done correctly by a trained professional. Because of the nature of a neck or spine injury, we do not recommend DIY or at-home solutions without first discussing care with a physician. 

Once cleared for chiropractic or whiplash massage, recovery is on the horizon, and we hope to help you start the process and get back to feeling great again!


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